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2023 Planted Seeds Anticipating The Harvest

Writer's picture: Bernade FlournoyBernade Flournoy

Where do you do your best dreaming, thinking, hoping, planning?

In the office, in the studio, out in nature, in the car,

on the commute ... in the restroom!

Part 1

Do you make plans? Are you already planning for next year? Are you behind schedule, because you usually have the next year planned by Q4? Are you a planner? Or an 'it is what it is' planner? Are you stuck in plan mode or even dream mode - an over-thinker like me with just a little action?

I love living in the moment and simply being grateful for everyday! I am a day dreamer, a professional DREAMER at heart. It is my job, I absolutely love the positive side of pausing for the



'what would happen if...' or the

'could we...'!

Sometimes there's no time to dream. There's just the day to day grind that needs to take place. The Adulting part of life that is strictly unavoidable and necessary to hold everything together. Then when we allow ourselves, there appears to be tiny micro-moments to mentally get off of the hamster wheel, dream, smell the roses and breathe. These delicious quiet moments where the imagination nudges us and reminds us it needs to be fed.

How is your imagination? Is it healthy and thriving? Has it been neglected and barely alive?

Part 2

When I give myself permission to dream, my imagination is sparked and runs in overdrive mode. When this happens, it is like a dam being opened and the ideas flow out faster than my pen & paper can handle! I turn into a post it note Queen of the Scribble Land! Then it is time to set all things imaginative aside, to stop and go to work. ButI feel as though I have accomplished great and wonderful things after a Dream Capturing Session! Even though there is nothing to show for it except notebooks full of the scribbles.

The power of the pause is amazing. The stop, drop and pause of the

"Hmmmm... "

is so delicious to me! Dreaming is action to me! It is a workout of the mind and the hope muscle. I have my head in the clouds. This is fine as long as we don't stop there. I usually stop there. I stop right there. I put down the dreams and pick up the daily work schedule. I will admit, dreaming is the fun, glorious delicious part of life for me and the analytical side of creating an actual plan & strategy to actually accomplish the dreams is my weakness, my kryptonite, if you will. I get started, get some things done then real -life kicks back in and the dreams are always set aside. The Start, Stop, start and stop.... has taken me years to get to this point!

I am dreaming again -- but I do not want to set any more of my dreams aside!

What about you?

Part 3

I usually don't plan too far ahead.

I make the:

'general, overall, usual' plans which gives me the overall general list of done tasks checked off of the ongoing list. There are some great opportunities, amazing people and a few major accomplishments on my timeline, to be sure! I am so grateful for my family, friends, co-workers, mentors and the kind-hearted passers-by!

Most days, I go with the flow of the everyday, the pre-set schedule of my son's school or my school's schedule. Don't get me wrong, I love my day job. I am just wanting to shake up life and see what more comes pouring out. I know I need to do something more than the Plug and Play day by day, piddling around, bumbling around with my 'general life'. I have tried this business thing, but it was business in name only.

However now, things are changing. I am getting out of hobby mode and finally moving into full focus business mode. This transition is a bit interesting, shall we say!!

I have to get off of this Hamster Wheel or at least for a while!

As a matter of fact, the pandemic literally knocked us all off of our 'per the usual' grind. The world opened back up and some chose, some had no choice or some 'chose NOT' to get right back up on that all too familiar hamster wheel.

Where are you?

That hamster wheel is always available as a choice.

Always right there in plain view. The daily grind came to a halt!

So many online options of doing business were birthed.

So many businesses were closed ... permanently. That shifting and pivoting was tuff to navigate, as you well know. Did you have a choice after the pandemic?

Do you have a choice now?

Well, I am back on the hamster wheel. Though I am so grateful for my job, my career of choice, my heart yearns for more. I want to squeeze a bit more out of this amazing life!

My mind is shifting -- the desire for more is churning and bubbling up.

Is this my purpose? Is this my destiny?

Is this what I dreamed of doing from my PBS - Channel 11 WTTW (Window To The World), Sesame Street, Mr. Rodgers, Electric Company, Magic Mirror, Mickey Mouse Club, ZOOM days?

The answer is somewhat. What I dreamed and the work that I've done, got me to this level. I am so grateful. However, I want that dash between my birth and my future date to mean so much more!

What about you? Are you feeling the heart tug of a shift change?

Part 4

Because I have dared to venture out from the hamster wheel, I learned to plan & schedule Dream time.

I know now, that I also have to plan and schedule the Action Taking Time.

Plan and work the plan, plan, dream, work - get refreshed and repeat.

To move on to the new dreams and actually get the accomplished, I need to schedule planning time - the hows, whats and whens as well as I have learned that I have to find the actual WHOs.

I can not do this all by myself (I have tried and it takes so long to wear all-the hats!)

I have learned (I am learning) to seek out help, to ask for help, to pay for that help because I want my dreams to come true.

I want to plan for the absolute best outcomes for the people I serve. My family, the events, my Livestream videos, my Fine Art Clients and now for the Members in my online Community that I've started because I allowed myself to dream and hope for more!

(Thank you for choosing me, by the way! - if you want to become a member,

click here to join me on Facebook: Paint Party Lovers Tips for New Painters)

-- wink, wink!

It is Legacy Time!

It is time for discipline, focus and a plan that actually matches the dream! It is a lot of work, but make sure to schedule a bit of fun along the way!

What does that dash really mean for you right now, and in the future?

It is not easy, but I love this process, this execution stage. I am still working on the planning, but as I strap on my shoes today, heading for the Hamster Wheel, I smile secretly knowing I have planted seeds for brand new dreams that are slowly taking root. I know they will be soon be sprouting up!

"Hmmmmm...", she said, as she excitedly reached for her post it notes, paper and pen!

Another dream is loading!

Dream Seeds, Art Seeds, Joy Seeds --

Planning for The Harvest to be Bountiful, Beautiful & Delicious!


If you are a DREAMER or you KNOW some DREAMERS,

but know you need to add some planning

in the mix to actually have that Dream come true,

join me on my journey. Better yet, invite me to join YOU on YOURS!

Join my group, YOUR group, OUR group of Dreamers!

Paint Party Lovers Tips for New Painters:

IF you or you know someone that has a PAINTING PASSION & always wanted to:

- learn how to paint, or you

- need some tips to help you make better paintings,

- you want to paint for Self-Care, fun and relaxation

My Official -----

Online Painting Membership will be launching mid January!

There will be several affordable price points, &

WATCH for bonuses for early action takers!

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Watch your email for Founding Member Access:

- early bird pricing & exclusive bonuses

- doors will open in a few days!!

- so, sooo many Giveaways in my Art Studio!

- The Happy Mail form will be available soon as well!


You can find me online, here on my website and just about everywhere out here in these internet streets (everywhere except Snapchat--I never finished the account set-up for that one for some reason...)!

Can't catch all of the Online platforms, but I'm on quite a few...


Where can I find you?


Go Forth & Spread a little bit of#artjoy today! Make someone smile!


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Here is the video from Saturday December 24, 2022

using Craft Acrylic,

Prang Watercolors on

80# Card Stock - A Canvas Alternative

First Product Sold by The Painted Pose on! 2022


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